What to do, what to do

I’ve got three projects swirling around in my head these days.

OK, four, if you include repairing the Pinterest-gone-wrong curtains I made last month. (They look great, just aren’t so great at the whole opening and closing aspect. And they don’t necessarily touch the bottom of the window pane, but this is a boon to my 6-year-old, who thanked me for leaving “space to see the sun.”)

Back on track here.

I’ve got a middle-grade contemporary fiction idea, expanding the story of a dinosaur-loving boy in PACK OF DORKS, which is currently on submission with publishers (keep your fingers crossed for me!).

Second idea: Revamping PLACE LIKE HOME, an inspirational middle grade that recently went through the submissions process. It came back with great comments about the writing, but issues with marketing in that genre. I’ve got some ideas on how to improve that story. I’m not sure if they’ll work, but I’m also not ready to let my characters—Jude, Zeke, Clara and Puck— wonder off into the desert of my mind. I still hear songs and think, “Jude would love to sing this!” Which might be a sign that I need medication rather than time to revise. Hmmm.

Third idea: A totally different genre, New Adult. This is for those of us who love to read young adult fiction but wish the characters were just a tad more mature. Here’s a great article that helps explain the genre. Think coming of age meets romance meets college angst.

So here’s my dilemma: Should I just pick one and tuck the rest away for a while, or whittle away at all three and see which takes off?

Suggestions welcome!

OK, suggestions pleadingly requested. Otherwise, I just might pick up the glue gun again and channel my creativity into crafts gone wrong.